
Company "ABO Consalt"

Priority direction of activity of the Company «ABO Consalt» is rendering of a full spectrum of legal services both for legal, and for physical persons. Key experts of the company are:

  • legal support of activity of legal bodies / the conventional law, local statutory acts;
  • executive manufacture; building / individual share contracts in building;
  • the ground right; the real estate / the housing right; commercial practice / the permission of economic disputes.
  • legal support of activity of physical persons; judicial-legal work;

Besides, the company «Konsalt» offers Abo to the Clients of service in consulting areas on financial and economic activity, the analysis of economic activities, preparation and working out of business plans, statement of system of the administrative account.

Our main objective – effective granting of a full spectrum of legal services on the conditions favourable to our Clients meeting their basic requirements.

At work with the Client we completely get into a problem essence, we carry out its deep analysis, we reveal weak and strengths, and we offer the Client the most effective ways of its permission.

Work with the company «Abo Konsalt» - your absolute legal security.